It was a very good year… when I was… 17? 21? 35?

1 10 2011

…yah those years were fun – and I’ll admit this past year wasn’t my seventeenth, or twenty-first or even my thirty fifth as Sinatra crooned. While I turned just a bit older during the past 525,600 minutes, more happened than even Sinatra coulda imagined. My two daughters left the nest, and I had a blast visiting them in their new homes in diff areas of NC. I started a new job running product management for cloud services at Nokia, graduated from Northeastern’s executive MBA program, and the next day started a new job as head of analytics at Nokia. I traveled internationally a buncha times: Mexico, Finlandx4, China, Hong Kong, India, Germany twice. OMG saw the most amazing places and met some incredible peeps. Just check out the view from my hotel room in Agra.

Ain’t nothin slowing down around here. Who said “age considers; youth ventures”? I’ll stick with “how sweet it is!”.



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